Are you ready to Age — or Live — In Place?

If you’re thinking about Aging or Living in Place, here are some things you should ask yourself to determine what your needs are and anticipate necessary adjustmestment to your living space.

  • Your wellness and ability to take care of yourself and move around independently are major factors to consider when evaluating if remaining in your current home as you age is the right decision for you.

  • Declining eyesight and balance are unavoidable as we age, so your house will likely need some modifications to help you navigate your home safely and reduce your risk of falling.

    These might include everything from installing grab bars, better lighting, and handrails to adding ramps and lowering the height of cabinets, according to the CNBC article “Aging in place versus assisted living…It’s complicated.”

  • It’s also important to consider the estimated cost of the necessary modifications and whether it’s affordable for you to redesign your current home.

  • You should consider what you will do to get help if you fall, if there’s a fire, or if another emergency occurs, according to the article “Aging In Place – What Does Aging In Place Really Mean?”